MAY 27, 2001
Episode 17: Teenage Puppy Barking and No Off Switch
In this episode of the Savvy City Dog podcast, Michelle responds to a listener with a barking, adolescent puppy. Learn the secret tips and tricks to survive the teenage months with a high-energy puppy, even in an apartment!
Hey there fellow dog and puppy owners!
Are you looking for answers to your burning questions about your furry best friend? Well, look no further! The Savvy City Dog podcast is here to help. We're looking for real questions from real dog and puppy owners like you. Don't be shy, send us your questions and we'll do our best to answer them on the podcast. We promise to keep your information confidential and we'll even change your name and your dog's name if we use your question. So, what are you waiting for? Ask away!
(If you prefer to submit your question as a voice note, please call 202-539-7407 and leave a message.)